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He has the whole world in his hands

The winds of change blow heavily,
Forecasting that life will never be the same,
Breathing freedom and life within this strife,
The end justifies the gain within our pain.

I see bewildered people,
Not seeing through the fog,
Media has hypnotised them thoroughly,
Mesmerising vision within the smog.

The virus is the contaminant of fear,
Threatening values held most dear,
Unable to see beyond their senses,
Media programming is relentless.

The forces of evil bewildered by their dwindling control,
Holding on to power in the death throws now is their only goal,
Too many questioning minds open doors to the reality unseen,
Blinking and Awakening from the nightmare and a dream.

The hero of today I bow my head in humble pride,
Integrity and morality the catch phrase of this crazy ride.
The storm that cleaned up corruption blew us into a whole new time,
Where children are safe from exploitation – Trumping evil a new paradigm.

He has the whole world in his hands

The winds of change blow heavily,
Forecasting that life will never be the same,
Breathing freedom and life within this strife,
The end justifies the gain within our pain.

I see bewildered people,
Not seeing through the fog,
Media has hypnotised them thoroughly,
Mesmerising vision within the smog.

The virus is the contaminant of fear,
Threatening values held most dear,
Unable to see beyond their senses,
Media programming is relentless.

The forces of evil bewildered by their dwindling control,
Holding on to power in the death throws now is their only goal,
Too many questioning minds open doors to the reality unseen,
Blinking and Awakening from the nightmare and a dream.

The hero of today I bow my head in humble pride,
Integrity and morality the catch phrase of this crazy ride.
The storm that cleaned up corruption blew us into a whole new time,
Where children are safe from exploitation – Trumping evil a new paradigm.

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