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Skin to Skin

You are like a tattoo on my skin,
The pattern an energy stamp,
Branded into my soul,
A magical incantation,
Unlocking my destiny.
A statement of ownership,
A declaration of authority,
Influencing my individuality,
Defining myself for the world to see,
That I am like no other,
With my choice being you,
My skin a living testimony,
As yours defines your ethnicity
Declaring to the world we are unique
Skin to skin we merge as one.


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Skin to Skin

You are like a tattoo on my skin,
The pattern an energy stamp,
Branded into my soul,
A magical incantation,
Unlocking my destiny.
A statement of ownership,
A declaration of authority,
Influencing my individuality,
Defining myself for the world to see,
That I am like no other,
With my choice being you,
My skin a living testimony,
As yours defines your ethnicity
Declaring to the world we are unique
Skin to skin we merge as one.


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Minimum donation accepted1.00 XLM

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