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This poem is a marshmallow of emotions…it’s the hour of pain.

Poem: What is in my heart today?


I am a marshmallow of emotions

The hour of pain has pierced my being

My body, mind and soul is in shambles

All the fires of sorrow have been ignited

The receptacle of life is submerged in sadness

My friends are losing mothers, fathers and sisters

My heart is bleeding for them

As the scourge of Covid-19 disease blows through their homes

Not restrained by anything, the menace is on a rampage

The turbulent waters of my spirit are breaking me apart

The ink from my heart is turning dark

I cannot see through the thicket of sorrow

My body, mind and soul are in turmoil

I cannot silence my spirit

It’s the hour of pain

And I have to let my tears flow

It’s not foolishness

It’s the remedy for my predicament

I have to pour out my sorrow

I have to cleanse my body, mind and soul

I have to recover my peace of mind

I have to pass through this hour of pain

I have to be strong

It’s not weakness that inhabits my body, mind and soul

It is Love and sorrow

It’s not hopelessness that I want to accommodate

I am a spirit being

And my strength is found inside the realm of Silence

But life has to take its course

I cannot stand on its way

I will face the stormy waters and be engulfed in sorrow

I cannot demand happiness

When my friends are submerged in sorrow

I cannot ask for peace

When humanity is buried under the storm

I can only let my heart wobble with pain

I can only allow my tears to fall

So that I can be free from the viciousness of the storm

I can go back to my true self

And unite my mind, body and soul in the garden of peace

It will take more than tears to pass through this storm

It will take faith, hope and Love

It’s not my thoughts (logic)

Thinking will not get me anywhere

It’s only the Silence within

That will open the gates

And set me free

Inside the everlasting ocean of nothingness


© Kenneth Maswabi




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